London Counselling & CBT

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Psychodynamic Counselling in Haggerston, Upminster, and Online

Therapy Tailored To Your Needs

As someone who has worked as a cognitive behavioural therapist and psychodynamic counselling in Haggerston, Upminster and the NHS for a number of years, I know that every individual is different, and that no one problem is exactly the same. That is why I never use a one-size-fits-all approach with my clients. I take time to learn about your precise situation, what you need from therapy, and draw from a range of approaches to provide a form of therapy that is tailored specifically to you. Together we will embark on a therapeutic journey that allows you to move forward with greater confidence and clarity, with me providing specialist support every step of the way.

If you are curious to know a bit more about cognitive behavioural therapy and psychodynamic counselling in Haggerston, Upminster, and online, feel free to get in touch over the phone or by email.

My Approaches

Depending on your particular needs, I will use one of three different established therapeutic practices, or employ a combination of the three, always amending in accordance with how we have progressed together. The questions I ask encourage you to think introspectively and look at situations from a different perspective, thereby helping you on your journey towards a healthier, more compassionate mindset.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

One of the most widely researched and evidence-based methods for addressing a variety of mental health issues, CBT is a collaborative talking therapy that focuses on identifying automatically negative thought patterns and unhelpful beliefs that reinforce problems like anxiety or depression. By understanding their role in your life and the damaging effect they have on your behaviour and emotions, we will then work together to replace these unhelpful thoughts and beliefs with more a compassionate, realistic worldview. Doing this over time means that you can avoid spiralling into the same dark place when challenging thoughts come up again in the future.

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT)

Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) is a time-limited, highly structured form of psychotherapy that is generally typically delivered over 16 sessions. This treatment can help people with emotional and repeated unhelpful relational patterns that reinforce various mental health issues. Much like CBT, it is strongly evidence based and focuses on cycles of thought and relating, whether it’s with family, friends, at work, or in romantic relationships.

For information on the different mental health problems I specialise in as a cognitive behavioural therapy and psychotherapy in Haggerston, Upminster, and online, take a look at my Issues I Help With page.

Counselling and Psychotherapy

While CBT and DIT are about addressing your problems as they come to you in the here and now, psychotherapy looks at how past experience influences your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. Working in this way allows us to understand the way difficult thoughts and feelings in the present moment are rooted in emotional memory from childhood.

Having this knowledge about where feelings of anger, sadness, or anxiety actually come from makes it much easier to deal with them when they show up again.

©2022 Zeynep Mikeli

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